

Motoo Komoda

President, Principal Consultant

Motoo Komoda is President and Principal Consultant of Nagata Acoustics International, managing all room acoustics, sound isolation and noise & vibration control consulting services. Mr. Komoda has over 30 years of experience in room acoustics, sound isolation and noise & vibration control. Continue…

Yasuhisa Toyota, DSc.

Executive Advisor, Principal Consultant

Dr. Yasuhisa Toyota is Executive Advisor and founder of Nagata Acoustics International. With over 45 years of experience in designing some of the world’s finest performance venues, Dr. Toyota is an established international authority in the field of concert hall design. Continue…

Marc Quiquerez

Senior Consultant

Marc Quiquerez joined Nagata Acoustics in Los Angeles in 2006 upon graduation. Marc earned a MSc in Engineering and a MRes in Acoustics from Ecole Centrale de Lyon (France), one of the top French schools of engineering. In 2008, after 2 years in Los Angeles office, he moved back to France to staff the newly opened Paris Office.

Erik Bergal

Senior Consultant

Erik Bergal joined Nagata Acoustics in 2013 upon graduation. Erik graduated from the University of Colorado-Boulder with a BS in Civil Engineering, specializing in structures and a BA in Music, concentrating in piano performance. Currently back in Los Angeles, Erik spent nearly two year in the Paris office.

Noémie Liotard


Noémie Liotard joined Nagata Acoustics in 2017 with four year’s experience in building acoustics. Noémie studied at the engineering school ENSIM at the University of Le Mans (France) and Polytechnique Montréal (Canada) to graduate as an engineer specializing in acoustics. Her interest in room acoustic comes from her passion for music through her education in music theory and cello.

Pin-Ting Lin


Pin-Ting Lin joined Nagata Acoustics in 2019 after graduating from the University of Sydney, where she received a Master’s Degree in Architectural Science, specializing in Audio and Acoustics. Prior to graduate school, Pin-Ting also had two-year experience working in an architectural firm. She received her BS in Civil Engineering from National Taiwan University.

Neža Kravanja


Neža joined Nagata Acoustics in 2021, with four years of experience in building and room acoustics in London (UK). Her career started in architecture by gaining a M.Arch. at the Faculty of Architecture in Ljubljana (Slovenia). In her childhood, she played solo flute and was a member of various orchestras, which ignited her interest in acoustics and later led her to Gothenburg (Sweden), where she earned a M.Sc. in Technical Acoustics at the Chalmers University of Technology.

Elspeth Wing


Elspeth Wing joined the Nagata Acoustics Los Angeles office in 2021 after graduating from Purdue University with a BSE concentrating in Acoustical Engineering. Her interest in acoustics developed from her experience as a violist in orchestras and chamber groups.

Celia Díaz Brito


Celia joined Nagata in 2022 after four years working in building acoustics in London (UK). She graduated with a BSc in Acoustics and Music from the University of Southampton and a MSc in Acoustics and Music Technology from the University of Edinburgh. Since a very early age, Celia has been passionate about playing the oboe, which she still plays semi-professionally.


Mariko Nagai

Azusa Asai